LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
OpenLDAP - Server which operates on LDAP for eg. Microsoft AD
Stores & organize information in directory i.e. in hierarchical manner and provides access to it
Eg. Domain Name System. DNS is a most successful implementation of Directory service over Internet
Directory Structure -
Directory service stores information in Directory Structure. The diagram of Directory structure is called Directory Information Tree.
A Directory is a tree of Entries
An entry is set of attributes
An attribute is has a Name and one or more value
Attributes are Defined in Schema
Five Major Characteristics of Directory Service -
Higly optimized for reads
Information can be stored in Distributed model
Can extend types of information to be stored
Advance search capabilities
Difference between Databases and Directory Services
Many people ask that can we use Database instead of Directory Service
SN Databases Directory Services
1. Information has more writes and reads More reads only, very less writes
2. Transactions, rollbacks, Transactions, rollbacks, write locks write locks are more important are less important
3. More Overheads Less Overheads
What is LDAP ?
Originally created by Tim Howes, Steve Kille and Wingyik Yeong in 1993. Later Tim & Steve improved it and started LDAPv3
Application Protocol for reading & editing directories over an IP network
LDAP is itself a Binary Protocol. Binary Protocol means, a protocol which is expected to read by machine than a human being.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Lightweight in comparison with x.500 Directory Services
LDAP vs X.500:
Main difference in LDAP and X.500 is LDAP uses TCP stack and X.500 uses OSI stack. Thats the reason LDAP is lightweight.
Uses of LDAP:
Machine Authentication
User/System Groups
User Resource Management
Address Book
Organization Representation
Assets Tracking
Telephony Information Store
Application Configuration Store
Directory Information Tree:
LDAP stores information in Directory Structure. Pictorial view of Directory Structure is called Directory Information Tree. See Below Figure:
dn: dc=example,dc=com
| |
| |
dn: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
dn: cn=neelesh,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
Directory Structure:
A Directory is a tree of Directory Entries
An Entry consists of a set of Attributes
An Attribute has a Name and one or more values.
The attributes are defined in Schemas
Each entry has unique Identifier i.e. DN, consists of RDN
Please note that in our example we have used OpenLDAP as a LDAP server.
Features of OpenLDAP:
It is open source
Free to use
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) support
Access Control
Implements LDAPv3
Components of OpenLDAP:
slapd - OpenLDAP server daemon
slapd.conf OpenLDAP configuration file
Schemas - To define Attributes
Libraries Required to slapd. Normally they are under /usr/lib/ldap
Backend - Banckend Database. We use BDB here. Located at /var/lib/ldap
LDIF LDAP Interchange Format. It is used for Importing and exporting information stored in Directory
LDAPcleint Used to connect LDAP server and operate it. Eg. ldapsearch, ldapadd, ldapdelete etc.
1. LDAP server daemonBinary
2. Normally located under /usr/sbin
3. To invoke you can directly call slapd on bash prompt
I have divided slapd.conf into 4 Parts
1. Schema Inclusion
2. Backend DB & Directory Specific
3. Access Control
4. Other
1. Schemas are used to define Attributes
2. It adds extendibility of LDAP
3. We can customize or add schemas
4. Generally Schema files are stored under /etc/ldap/schema
Schema Files Description
core.schema OpenLDAP core (required)
cosine.schema Cosine and Internet X.500 (useful)
inetorgperson.schema InetOrgPerson (useful)
misc.schema Assorted (experimental)
nis.schema Network Information Services (FYI)
openldap.schema OpenLDAP Project (experimental)
Libraries or modules
- Generally libraries are stored under /usr/lib/ldap
- It adds functionality and makes OpenLDAP modular
Backend DB
- OpenLDAP uses mainly following 2 embedded databases to store information
- BDB Berkely DB Transactional Backend
- HDB Hierarchical variant of BDB
- DB is stored under /var/lib/ldap
- LDAP interchange format
- Collection of entries separated by new line
- Mapping attribute names to values
- It is used to import or export information from LDAP directory
- LDAP client is used to connect to LDAP server
- You can add, edit, delete Directory entries
Important Terminologies
- Distinguished Name (DN) & Relative Distinguished Name (RDN)
DN is like the absolute path between root of File System and file
RDN is like Filename
Entry ---- > dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
In above entry
DN is cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
RDN is cn=admin
1. Attributes
- Attributes are used to store the values
- Attributes can be one or more values
- Attributes are defined in Schema Files
- In LDIF files, Declare Attribute by following way:
objectClass: organizationalUnit
In above example objectClass is Attribute and organizationalUnit is value.
2. objectClass Attributes
- Compulsory attribute with atleast one value
- It acts as a template for the data to be stored