This article describes how
you can monitor "private" services and attributes of Windows machines
- CPU load
- Disk usage
- Memory usage
- Service states
- Running processes, etc …
Monitoring private services
or attributes of a Windows machine requires an agent to be installed on the
windows box. This agent acts as a proxy between the Nagios plugin that does the
monitoring and the actual service or attribute of the Windows machine. Without
installing an agent on the Windows box, Nagios would be unable to monitor
private services or attributes of the Windows box.
Before proceeding install
Nagios server using URL:
Now install the NSClient++ addon on the
Wndows machine and using the check_nt plugin nagios will communicate
with the NSClient++ addon.
Now follow the below
procedure:Edit the main Nagios config file on the Nagios server:
# vi
Remove the leading pound
(#) sign from the following line in the main configuration file:
#cfg_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/windows.cfg (Remove the #
Save the file and exit.
Now install the agent NSClient++ on the
remote windows box
You can download the agent from
- Unzip the NSClient++ files into a new C:\NSClient++ directory
- Open a command prompt and change to the C:\NSClient++ directory
- Register the NSClient++ system service with the following command:
nsclient++ /install
- Install the NSClient++ systray with the following command ('SysTray' is case-sensitive):
nsclient++ SysTray
- Open the services manager and make sure the NSClientpp service is allowed to interact with the desktop (see the 'Log On' tab of the services manager). If it isn't already allowed to interact with the desktop,
Edit the NSC.INI file
(located in the C:\NSClient++ directory) and make the following changes:
- Uncomment all the modules listed in the [modules]
section, except for CheckWMI.dll and RemoteConfiguration.dll
- Optionally require a password for clients by changing
the 'password' option in the [Settings] section.
- Uncomment the 'allowed_hosts' option in the [Settings]
section. Add the IP address of the Nagios server to this line, or leave it
blank to allow all hosts to connect.
- Make sure the 'port' option in the [NSClient] section
is uncommented and set to '12489' (the default port).
Start the NSClient++
service with the following command:
If installed properly, a
new icon should appear in your system tray. It will be a yellow circle with a
black 'M' inside.
Success! The Windows
server can now be added to the Nagios monitoring configuration...
Now it is the time for the configuration in the Nagios server
Open the windows.cfg file for editing.
Add a new host definition for the Windows machine that you're going to monitor. If this is the *first* Windows machine you're monitoring, you can simply modify the sample host definition in windows.cfg. Change the host_name,alias, and address fields to appropriate values for the Windows box.
define host{
use windows-server ; Inherit default values from a Windows server template (make sure you keep this line!)
host_name winserver (Your server name)
alias My Windows Server
address XX.XX.XX.XX (Your server IP)
Now you can add some service definitions (to the same configuration file) in order to tell Nagios to monitor different aspects of the Windows machine. If this is the first Windows machine you're monitoring, you can simply modify the sample service definitions in windows.cfg.
Add the following service definition to monitor the uptime of the Windows server.
define service{
use generic-service
host_name winserver (Your windows server name as defined in the define host section)
service_description Uptime
check_command check_nt!UPTIME
Add the following
service definition to monitor the CPU utilization on the Windows server and
generate a CRITICAL alert if the 5-minute CPU load is 90% or more or a WARNING
alert if the 5-minute load is 80% or greater.
define service{
use generic-service
host_name winserver (Your windows server name as defined in the define host section)
service_description CPU Load
check_command check_nt!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90
Add the following
service definition to monitor memory usage on the Windows server and generate a
CRITICAL alert if memory usage is 90% or more or a WARNING alert if memory
usage is 80% or greater.
define service{
use generic-service
host_name winserver (Your windows server name as defined in the define host section)
service_description Memory Usage
check_command check_nt!MEMUSE!-w 80 -c 90
Add the following service definition to monitor usage
of the C:\ drive on the Windows server and generate a CRITICAL alert if disk
usage is 90% or more or a WARNING alert if disk usage is 80% or greater.
define service{
use generic-service
host_name winserver (Your windows server name as defined in the define host section)
service_description C:\ Drive Space
check_command check_nt!USEDDISKSPACE!-l c -w 80 -c 90
Now save and exit the file.
Verify the sample Nagios
configuration files(Syntax verification)
# /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v
If there are no errors, start Nagios.
# service nagios start
Wow. That is so elegant and logical and clearly explained. Brilliantly goes through what could be a complex process and makes it obvious.